Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Thousand May Fall At Your Side...

Psalm 91:7
What does this mean to you?
We might all interpret this scripture differently but the way I see it, it means God's there, always, protecting you. Even though people all around you are failing, dying, having bad days, God is there protecting you, like He should be. You may not know it now, but He's there and He's always been there. He's just waiting for you to seek Him first.

We all have our own lives, our own schedule, and our own problems that life throws at us. If you're like me, you're in school, trying your hardest to maintain good grades and stay focused on what's important, but sometimes, life will throw you a curve ball every now and then. Something that you never would've thought in a million years would happen to you. And you're sitting there, thinking where are you God? Why are You letting these things happen to me? Well folks, let me tell you something, HE isn't LETTING anything happen to you. HE is there, waiting, for YOU to seek Him first. That's all it takes and then you'll realize that whatever may have happened today wasn't that big of a deal. Whatever has happened, you can get through it. And God's there, waiting, for the day that you approach Him and just cry out.

I know these things because I struggle with doubt and negativity every day. And most of the time it's not from anyone else but myself. My own mind telling me that there isn't enough time to study for a big exam (Which by the way, that's what I'm supposed to be doing right now, studying. But for some reason I'm here, writing this for you). I promise there IS enough time to get the things you need to get done, done. Whatever that may be troubling you now, a month from now, a year from now, will you even remember it? Will it still seem THAT important? If not, then don't worry, just pray and ask God for the time, patience and strength that we all need.

I hope this helped you. Whoever you may be, if you're in my situation or not, we all need an uplifting word every now and then. Here's to a great rest of the week!!



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